About the Journal

The journal of Health Disparities and Social Marginalization (HDSM) is affiliated with Marginalization-Related Diminished Returns (MDRs) Research Center. HDSM accepts research manuscripts on state and determinants of health disparities and social marginalization across the globe. Manuscripts from all public health disciplines as well as the interdisciplinary research reports addressing health disparities and social marginalization challenges are considered for publication. As an open-access journal, HDSM aims to help health equity scholars to disseminate their findings efficiently, and in a timely fashion.

HDSM values research based on the appropriate research question, rigorous study design, and proper implementation. HDSM accepts original research manuscripts based on both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. HDSM also considers systematic reviews and scoping reviews on health disparities and social marginalization research questions for publication.

HDSM requires no set formatting at first submission. Our ambition is: 

- to provide submissions a rapid and fair peer-review,

- to assign a final decision with two review rounds, and

- to publish the accepted manuscripts within 14 days.

HDSM is currently under development and its content will be updated on a regular basis. We encourage readers, authors, and reviewers to register in our database for getting updated information on our progress and potential collaboration opportunities.